Program Astroworkshopu 2023

piatok 2023‐03‐24
18:00 – 18:20 Privítanie
Otvorenie 10. ročníka Astroworkshopu.
18:20 – 18:35 Jiří Šilha Research and job opportunities in space safety segments for astronomers
Astronomy is one of the oldest and most interesting scientific professions. It aims, together with astrophysics, to understand the fundamentals of the universe using various developed sensors and methods capable of observing different types of objects and phenomena. Surprisingly, space is also of increasing interest to companies and governments that operate their own satellites and/or that are concerned about the well-being of their populations. For this reason, a strong segment focused on space safety has developed in recent decades, which includes protection against objects of space debris, small near-Earth asteroids (planetary defense), and solar activity and other effects of space weather. In our presentation, we will discuss the possibilities for young astronomers in the space safety segment in the context of the European and world landscape.
18:40 – 19:10 Julian Rodriguez Recovery of space debris attitude states using observations from ground-based optical stations
In this presentation I will highlight the relevance of understanding and monitoring the dynamical behavior of orbital debris. Specifically, I will focus on the estimation of an extended state vector containing orbital information as well as attitude related information such as the tumbling rate and orientation of the main rotation axis. I will highlight the usage of optical observations for the update of the aforementioned state vector. Finally, an example of a different application using the same concepts will be provided for laser time transfer using spent rocket bodies as the relaying space segment.
19:10 – 20:00 Večera
20:00 – 22:00 Daniela Bartková AstroKvíz
Astronomická súťaž o zaujímavé ceny.
22:00 – 00:00 Voľný program